Monday, November 23, 2015

A new week

Greetings everyone, it's been a few days since I've posted on here, but that's because I'm staying busy with editing the first half of my next Shadow Wolves series novel, Tears of Blood. My goal is to have the first half finished before Thanksgiving and begin writing the second half shortly after for the my personal deadline of January and I still have plenty to write and then edit. That being said, I want to hear from you, authors, reviewers, bloggers, everyone on anything you're doing at the moment. One thing I try to be is interactive with my fans and followers.

My last two new fans couldn't put Shadow Wolves Youthful Inexperience down at all. I'm growing with female readers who are falling in love with the trio and even enjoy one of two female characters too, so something for you out there looking for something new to enjoy and review. There's a growing list to find out what happens in Shadow Wolves Tears of Blood; so don't miss out on the growing trend of a story worth reading.

(Don't miss out on the missing pieces, it's available on Amazon and Kindles everywhere, or if you prefer a traditional paperback that's on Amazon as well.)

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